
The Over Tones, Inc. was founded on January 17th, 1966 by 10 women (Win Andrews, Freda Cliff, Becky Daniels (Director), Dorothy Hancock, Cathy Mahony, Donna Lee Jefferson, Laverne Matthews, Val Mullin, Jo Rider and Lil Robinson). These ladies had been singing with a non-competitive chorus called the Barbershop Belles but they desired to improve their level of singing ability and wanted to compete in Harmony, Inc. on the International level.  We obtained our charter from Harmony, Inc. in June of that same year.

Over these years we have had very talented & gifted Directors – have been Area Champions many times and competed on the International Stage almost every year.  In 1978 (under the direction of Dave Litwiller) we reached the goal founding members could only dream of – INTERNATIONAL CHORUS CHAMPIONS, a thrill you never forget when your chorus name is announced.   Other honours have come our way as well – winners of the International History Book contest in years past and also the International Bulletin contest.  Members of our chorus have served as officers in our own chapter and have been active in the Area Council and a number have gone on to serve on the International Board of Directors.  Each year our chapter members elect a Board who work through the year to make sure we function as a group and we are thankful for their dedication.

Performance has always been important to our chorus – from the honour of singing at the opening of the
River Run Centre to the opportunity of singing at venues like Hamilton Place, in Brantford at the
Sanderson Centre, nursing homes and City Council. 

It sounds like a simple history when written in this fashion but it has not come without a lot of hard work, determination, frustration, joy, laughter, tears but always TOGETHERNESS.  We have consistently found that when we work together as a team (often singing when working) the job gets done faster and easier.   Did I mention I am proud of The Over Tones, Inc. chorus???

- submitted by Win Andrews

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